Day 1 - April 15
Welcome and Overview
Welcoming words — Mara Mahmood & John Cano
Land acknowledgement — Karla Trujillo
Re-connecting: Engaging Restorative Activities
Re-connecting: Developing UC Links Programs
Brief introductions of new UC Links partners and programs (check video here)
Youth Action Network –Regina Langhout & Steve McKay (UC Santa Cruz)
Y-PLAN San Jose– Ellen Middaugh (San Jose State University) & Patricia Reguerin (Escuela Popular)
South Franklin SSWC (Secondary School Writing Center) –Katie Watkins (Brigham Young University, Utah)
La Mia Scuola È Differente – Lisa Bugno (University of Padova, Italy)
Reimagining Possible Futures: Small Group Roundtable Discussions - Session I
Opportunities to share knowledge, resources, and best-practices:
Applicability of Gender and Queer Studies in educational settings
Imagining an online, systemwide undergraduate UC Links course
International perspectives–Art4Ukraine & other international connections
International perspectives – Uruguay: Cruzando fronteras para reimaginar futuros juntos
Playing with mythical entities...The Wiz, El Maga, La Mosca Cósmica, ThemBot, Proteo
Thinking together: UC Links Edited Volume
Unmasking Possible Futures
Co-constructing Activities: Small Group Workshops
Hybrid workshops designed & facilitated by UC Links partners.
Best practices for innovating with technology in hybrid learning environments – Shirl Buss (Y-PLAN, UC Berkeley) & Katherine Lazo, Stephanie Carmona, (Whittier Fifth Dimension, Whittier College)
Engaging math activities for middle and high school – Alessandra Pantano & Luke Smith, (Math CEO, UC Irvine)
Exploring open-access online tools for undergraduate coursework – Glynda Hull, Devanshi Unadkat, & Catherine Park (UC Berkeley)
Fund development strategies for university-community collaborations – Jacqueline Rossow (La Colonia de Eden Gardens)
Writing together: UC Links Edited Volume – Marjorie Orellana (UCLA)
Youth Summit: Overview and creation of Online Activities – Dogukan Ozgen, Ali Muller, Devon Christman, and Diana Arya (UC Santa Barbara)
Co-constructing Activities: Small Group Workshop – Session II
Hybrid workshops designed & facilitated by UC Links partners.
Best practices that increase opportunities for socioemotional learning (SEL) – Lilly Lew (City Year San Jose, formerly UC Santa Barbara)
Hands-on introduction to kid-friendly microcontrollers – Lee Martin (UC Davis)
Hands-on introduction to creating podcasts – Tom Vogt (University of Augsburg, Germany)
Parent resources for supporting students' math learning during the pandemic– Nestor Tulagan & Alessandra Pantano (Math CEO, UC Irvine)
Photovoice Project in Corre la Voz and Restorative Pedagogies: socially transformative aims, methods, and outcomes for our learning communities – Leslie Lopez (Corre la Voz, UC Santa Cruz)
Playing in Gather.Town– Cathy Angelillo (Newmarket School District, New Hampshire)
Reimagining Possible Futures: Small Group Roundtable Discussions
Opportunities to share knowledge, resources, and best-practices.
Compartiendo nuestros programas dentro de las escuelas: Tensiones y oportunidades en el co-diseño de actividades
Exploring the realm of the kinesthetic in multimodal learning
Imagining an online, systemwide UC Links after-school program
International perspectives - Japan: Exploring learning possibilities for children navigating in-person and virtual communities
International perspectives - Japan: Challenges of early childhood education (ECE) teacher training for multicultural learning environments
Preparing undergraduate researchers/collaborators to engage effectively with community
Wrap-up & Reflection
Wrap-up, discussions, and reflections of day 1
Day 2 - April 16
Welcome & Opening Activity
- The Dragon’s Code and ice breaker activities – Katherine Lazo, Giselle Ramirez, Destiny Aranda (Whittier Fifth Dimension, Whittier College)
- Sharing Key ideas, reactions, questions, and highlights from Day 1 (Padlet)- whole group discussion
Reimagining Possible Futures: Small Group Roundtable Discussions – Session IV
Opportunities to share knowledge, resources, and best-practices.
Beyond youth as "future leaders": Using reflexivity to address ageism
Climate activism and concrete utopias
Creating safe online and in-person learning environments
Co-constructing dynamic and engaging hybrid learning environments
Leveraging intersegmental collaborations (e.g. UC/CSU and others)
Youth Summit - exploring ways to engage UC Links programs
Co-constructing Activity: Poster Session - Digital & Other Media
Informal presentations from & conversations with programs from the UC Links network.
Co-constructing Possible Futures
Linking and leveraging UC Links’ body of knowledge, resources, and best-practices — Check brainstorm board here
Wrap-up & Reflection
Wrap-up, discussions, closing remarks, and reflections of day 2