Day 1 - March 1
8:30am – 9:30am Breakfast Meet-up
Come enjoy some food and time to informally meet up, connect and reconnect
9:30am – 9:45amWelcome and overview [whole group]
Opening ceremony — Mitsu Inaba (Ritsumeikan University)
Welcoming & opening remarks — Mara Mahmood & John Cano (UC Berkeley)
9:45am – 10:00am Re-connecting: Developing UC Links Programs [whole group]
Brief introductions of new UC Links partners and programs
Agropecuaria Cumaco — Viviana Ahumada & Karla Caballero (Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Barranquilla, Colombia)
Making for All — Nina Bonderup Dohn & Inger-Marie F. Christensen (University of Southern Denmark); Roland Hachmann (University College South Denmark)
Utopia Project — Antti Rajala (University of Eastern Finland)
School Kids Investigating Language in Life and Society (SKILLS) — Jin Sook Lee (UC Santa Barbara)
10:00am - 10:15amRe-connecting Activity [whole group]
Connecting and re-connecting with UC Links partners
10:15am - 11:00am Cultivating Change through Resistance and Renewal [whole group + small group discussions]
Exploring resistance and renewal through the practices, pedagogies, and activities of the Laboratory for Ritual Arts & Pedagogy (RAP Lab) — Arianna Baharmast, Carla Cariño, Brian Murilthi, Kalonji Nzinga, Shawn O’Neal, Marlene Palomar, Karla Trujillo (RAP Lab – CU Boulder; North High School, Denver, Colorado / Lyripeutics Storytelling Project)
11:00am - 11:15am Break
11:15am - 12:00pmWorkarounding: Strategies for Resistance and Renewal [whole group + small group discussions]
Exploring the local pragmatics of resistance and renewal to workaround current and future challenges to UC Links program sustainability — Michael Cole (5th Dimension - UC San Diego), Veverly Anderson (Democracy Lab / Town & Country Learning Center, UC San Diego), Charles Underwood (UC Links), José Ramón Lizárraga (LiTT Lab)
Questions for discussion:
What has happened in the past to challenge UC Links programs?
What was the impact of these challenges on UC Links programs?
How did we respond to these challenges, both locally and collectively?
What does this suggest about pragmatic strategies for the future?
12:00pm - 1:00pmLunch
1:00pm - 1:30pmRe-connecting: Restorative Practices for Body and Mind [whole group]
Space for relaxation, reflection, and movement in community
1:30pm - 2:30pm Open Conversation Hour [small groups]
Time for both facilitated and free conversations. Find someone you haven’t connected with yet and go for a walk or find a space to chat, join a facilitated conversation, or create a group of your own!
Open Conversation Hour [small groups]
California PI Meeting — [Room 4101]
Graduate Student Dialogue: Embracing the Mess: Dialogue and Reflections on Graduate Student Research and Writing Collaborations — Micaela Bronstein & Jackson Gzehoviak (UC Los Angeles) [Room 1215]
Undergraduate Students Connections — Wesley Veiga (UC Berkeley) [Room 1217]
- Other groups? —[Rooms 1212, 1213, 1214, and 1216 available]
2:30pm - 3:00pm Re-connecting: UC Links Programs and Partners Around the World
- Developing Activities to Enhance Well-Being in a Local Community from the Viewpoint of Children: Update on Yawata Children's Conference — Mitsu Inaba, Saori Yamanaka, Risa Akai, Honoka Shintaku, Miuna Sato & Shuri Kawano (Ritsumeikan University)
3:00pm - 4:15pmCultivating Change: Small Group Sessions
Opportunities to share knowledge, resources, and best-practices. Please choose one:
Anti-Racist Principles for Teaching and Syllabus Design— Lee Martin (UC Davis)
Hands-on: Very Doable Film, Music & Music Video Production — Tom Vogt (University of Augsburg, Germany) and Karla Trujillo (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Navigating Administrative Hurdles— Cynthia Sanchez Tapia (CSU Dominguez Hills) & Erin Ellison (Sacramento State University)
Teaching and Learning with Undergraduates —Leslie Lopez (UC Santa Cruz) & Alessandra Pantano (UC Irvine)
Training Undergraduates in Observational and Field Note Methods — Lupe Rosas, Taylor Michelle Wycoff & Sandra Simpkins (UC Irvine)
- YPAR: Learning to Learn from Youth — Betsy Centeno, Jennifer Figueroa, Jessica Taft, and Saskias Casanova (UC Santa Cruz)
4:15pm - 4:30pm Break
4:30pm - 5:30pm Re-connecting: Conversation Hour and Reflections [whole group]
5:30pm – 7:00pm Hosted Dinner Reception
[Berkeley School of Education, 2121 Berkeley Way]
Day 2 - March 2
8:30am – 9:30am Breakfast Meet-up
9:30am – 10:00amWelcome and Overview [whole group]
Welcoming & opening remarks — Mara Mahmood, John Cano & Wesley Veiga (UC Berkeley)
10:00am – 10:15am Engaging Youth as Co-Researchers
Youth from Finland may be joining us to share about their work with the Utopia Project — Antti Rajala (University of Eastern Finland)
10:15am – 11:30am Cultivating Change: Small Group Sessions
Opportunities to share knowledge, resources, and best-practices. Please choose one:
Adaptable Training Modules for Onboarding Undergraduates and Staff — Colette Samimi & Marni Ann Higgins (UC Berkeley)
Black History and Digital Tools for Educational Use — Bryson Berry & Mihailo Vucetic (Macalester College)
Culturally Responsive Practices in UC Links programs — Taylor Michelle Wycoff, Lupe Rosas, Sandra Simpkins & Alessandra Pantano (UC Irvine)
Designing Digital Vision Boards with Canva — Maria de Jesus Donan, Micah Gerola, and Delmy Munguia (UC Santa Barbara)
Engaging Youth as Co-researchers — Antti Rajala (University of Eastern Finland)
- Writing Workshop — Marjorie Orellana (UC Los Angeles)
11:30am - 11:45amBreak
11:45am - 12:45pmPoster Session - Digital & Other Media [whole group]
Informal presentations from & conversations with programs and partners from the UC Links network.
12:45pm - 1:30pmClosing Session [whole group]
1:30pm – 3:00pmLunch & Informal Networking
3:00pm - 3:30pm [OPTIONAL] Restorative Movement Practices
Move and stretch your body before your travels!