UC Links Digital Resource Garden

UC Links Digital Resource Garden

Background image: UC Links Digital Resource Garden

These resources are offered as tools to help university and community partners co-create innovative, equitable, and engaging learning environments.

The Digital Resource Garden offers: 

  • A deep and fertile history of knowledge and experience (Developing a Program, Teaching Courses, Research with Communities)

  • Seeds of inspiration for those developing a new program or re-imagining an existing program (Developing a Program, Program Activities)

  • Tools for families, university courses, and in-school or out-of-school programs (Partnering with Families, Teaching Courses, Program Activities, Let’s Play!)

All resources: 

  • Were cultivated by university and community partners

  • Were grown in UC Links and other programs around the world

  • Are free to use, distribute, adapt, and modify!

Please contact us with additional ideas and resources: uclinks@berkeley.edu

This short video provides a tutorial on how to explore and navigate The Garden.